転載>環境省 国立公園満喫プロジェクト「阿蘇くじゅう国立公園ステップアッププログラム2020」Ministry of the Environment, National Park Enjoyment Project "Aso Kuju National Park Step-up Program 2020".





阿蘇地域の最大の特徴は、世界最大級のカルデラ地形の景観と、活発な活動を続けているにもかかわらず火口底を間近に望める中岳に代表される火山が生み出す雄大な自然です。加えて、広大な草原は、野焼き、採草といった人々の営みによって千年以上もの間維持されており、褐あ かげ和種(あか牛)の放牧風景など、火山と草原と人々の営みが生み出すコントラストが映え、そ こには大陸系遺存種であるハナシノブやヒゴタイなど、希少な野生動植物も維持されています。平成 25 年 5 月には、持続的な草原の活用による循環型農業の結果、特徴的な生物多様性や草原景観、伝統文化が保全されていることが高く評価され世界農業遺産に認定されました。また、平成26 年 9 月には、世界でも最大級の大きさである阿蘇カルデラを軸とした教育・観光活動が評価されユネスコ世界ジオパークに認定されているほか、さらに、世界文化遺産登録を目指した取組が進められています。くじゅう地域は、九州本土最高峰の中岳(1,791 m)をはじめとした峰々からなるトロイデ(鐘状)型火山地形が広がるくじゅう連山を中心とした山岳地域です。硫気現象がみられ、火山灰等によって形成された特有の風景地が点在するほか、久住高原や飯田高原などの雄大な草原が広がっています。山麓に広がる草原地帯は、阿蘇地域と同様、長年にわたり人々の営みによって樹林化が抑えられてきました。草原のまま維持されていることから、絶滅が危惧されるヒゴタイ、キスミレ、エヒメアヤメ等の希少種が多く残されており、重要な生育地となっています。また、窪地が多く、豊富な湧水や雨水によって多数の湿原が発達しています。タデ原湿原や坊
ガツル湿原など学術的にも貴重な湿地も多く、山岳地域に形成された中間湿原では、国内最大級の面積を持つことなどから、国際的にも貴重な湿地であると認められ、平成 17 年 11 月には「くじゅう坊ガツル・タデ原湿原」として、ラムサール条約湿地に登録されました。別府の温泉の源である鶴見岳や、東峰と西峰の2つのピークがあり円錐形をしていることから豊後富士とも称される由布岳が美しい山容を誇っており、山稜からは別府湾や由布院盆地、くじゅう連山までを一望することができます。2)国立公園利用の特徴ですが、阿蘇くじゅう国立公園内外には、火山がもたらした恵みと人々の暮らしが息づいています。火山からは、別府温泉由布院温泉、黒川温泉など全国でも有数の温泉地や数々の湧水・水源がもたらされ、さらに、自然に対する畏敬の念から農耕祭事や神社仏閣などの文化が根付き、雄大な自然景観とあいまって、多くの観光客が訪れています。なお、国内外からの公園利用者数は 2,000万人を超えています。(平成 26 年実績)
くじゅう連山は、阿蘇とともに「九州の屋根」と言われる九州を代表する山で、標高 1,791mの中岳を最高峰に、1,700m 以上の山8座を有しています。森の山、草原の山そして岩山と変化に富み眺望はすばらしく、登山道もよく整備されています。ミヤマキリシマの開花期には、日に数万人の登山者が訪れることも珍しくありません。
やまなみハイウェイは、別府観光の祖と言われる油屋熊八が、別府~阿蘇~熊本を結ぶ国際観光ルートとして昭和初期に提唱した構想で、昭和 39 年に供用開始しました。この九州を横断する観光ルートは九州のゴールデンルートと呼ばれ、沿線が観光地として大きく発展するきっかけとなりました。

As part of the "National Park Enjoyment Project," which aims to make Japan's national parks world-class "national parks" and increase the number of inbound tourists, the "Aso Kuju National Park Step-up Program 2020" has been formulated as a roadmap for specific initiatives.
Based on the "Tourism Vision to Support Tomorrow's Japan" compiled by the Japanese government on March 30 this year, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has decided to work on the "National Park Enjoyment Project," which aims to brand Japan's national parks as world-class "national parks," and to systematically and intensively implement initiatives to provide high-quality experiences that will attract foreign visitors to Japan and to boldly expand their use by 2020.
Aso Kuju National Park was selected as one of the eight national parks to serve as a model for the project, and the Aso Kuju Regional Council has been discussing the project since September, and has now formulated the "Aso Kuju National Park Step-up Program 2020" as a roadmap for the project's concrete initiatives.

The greatest feature of the Aso region is the landscape of one of the world's largest caldera landforms and the magnificent nature created by the volcanoes represented by Nakadake, where you can see the bottom of the crater up close even though it is still active. In addition, the vast grasslands have been maintained for more than 1,000 years by people's activities, such as burning and grazing, and the contrast between the volcano, grasslands, and people's activities, such as the grazing of Japanese brown cattle, is reflected in the landscape. In May 2013, we conducted a survey. In May 2013, the area was recognized as a World Agricultural Heritage site in recognition of its unique biodiversity, grassland landscape, and traditional culture, which have been preserved as a result of recycling-based agriculture through sustainable use of grasslands. In September 2014, the Kuju region was recognized as a UNESCO World Geopark for its educational and tourism activities based on the Aso Caldera, one of the largest caldera in the world, and further efforts are underway to register it as a World Cultural Heritage site. The Kujyu area is a mountainous region centering on the Kujyu mountain range, which consists of peaks such as Nakadake (1,791 m), the highest peak on the mainland of Kyushu, and other peaks with a trod-shaped volcanic terrain. The area is dotted with unique scenic spots formed by volcanic ash and sulfuric phenomena, as well as magnificent grasslands such as Kusumi Plateau and Iida Plateau. Like the Aso area, the grasslands at the foot of the mountains have been suppressed by people's activities over the years. Because the grasslands have been maintained as they are, many rare species such as the endangered higotai, kismire, and ehime iris have been preserved, making them important habitats. In addition, there are many depressions, and many marshlands have developed due to abundant spring water and rainwater. There are also many depressions and many wetlands developed by abundant springs and rainwater.
As one of the largest areas of intermediate wetlands formed in mountainous areas in Japan, it has been internationally recognized as a valuable wetland. Tsurumi, which is the source of Beppu's hot spring water, and Yufudake, also known as Bungo Fuji because of its conical shape with two peaks, East and West, boast beautiful views of Beppu Bay, the Yufuin Basin, and the Kuju mountain range from the mountain ridge. Both inside and outside the park, the blessings of the volcano and the lives of the people are alive and well. The volcano has brought us some of the best hot springs in Japan, including Beppu Hot Spring, Yufuin Hot Spring, and Kurokawa Hot Spring, as well as numerous springs and water sources. In addition, the number of domestic and international visitors to the park exceeds 20 million. The number of domestic and foreign visitors to the park exceeds 20 million.
From Daikanbong (observatory), which juts out from the center of the northern outer rim of the mountain, you can see the five peaks of Aso and the entire caldera. This is the most famous observation point. Originally, it was called "Tohmiga-hana" by the locals. It is said that Tokutomi Soho was so impressed by the spectacular view that he named it as such.
The Kujyu mountain range, along with Aso, is one of the representative mountains of Kyushu and is called "the roof of Kyushu. The Kujyu mountain range has eight peaks over 1,700m, including the highest peak, Nakadake (1,791m). There are eight peaks of 1,700m or higher, with the highest peak being Nakadake at 1,791m. The views are wonderful and the trails are well maintained. During the blooming season of Miyama-kirishima, tens of thousands of climbers visit the mountain every day. During the blooming season of Miyama-kirishima, it is not unusual to see tens of thousands of climbers a day.
The Yamanami Highway was proposed in the early Showa period by Kumpachi Aburaya, the founder of Beppu tourism, as an international tourist route connecting Beppu, Aso and Kumamoto. The Yamanami Highway was proposed by Kumpachi Aburaya, the founder of Beppu tourism, as an international tourist route connecting Beppu, Aso, and Kumamoto in the early Showa period (1926-1989) and was put into service in 1964. This cross-Kyushu tourist route is the Golden Route of Kyushu. This cross-Kyushu tourist route is called the Golden Route of Kyushu, and was the catalyst for the development of the area along the route as a tourist destination. (2) Foreign visitors。
